Monday 28 March 2016

Internet speeds are improving, but more people are relying on smartphones

Internet speeds in Wisconsin have improved considerably in recent years, although they're still slow in places and, nationwide, more people are using smartphones as their only Internet device.

Wisconsin ranks 17th among states in average broadband speed, up from 22nd three years ago.
The average connection speed of 15 megabits per second is more than three times faster than it was eight years ago, according to Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge, Mass., firm that tracks broadband trends.

Nationwide, Washington, D.C., has the fastest average speed, about 21 mbps, while Alaska and Kentucky have the slowest average speeds, less than 10 mbps, Akamai said.
Wisconsin's average peak connection speed, 60 mbps, is now six times faster than it was in 2007, according to Akamai.

There's been consistent improvement, said David Belson, senior director of industry and data intelligence at Akamai.

"Is Wisconsin number one? No. But are things improving? Absolutely," Belson said.

Broadband is a high-speed Internet connection capable of handling data through fiber-optic cable or other means.
Many rural areas are limited to a slow-speed connection that is unsuitable for certain purposes, such as watching videos or operating a business.

There are various rankings of how states compare, and while not everyone agrees on the numbers, few would say broadband service isn't important.
Still, the percentage of U.S. homes with broadband access seems to have slipped, according to a Pew Research Center study.

It now stands at 67%, down from 70% in 2013 — a small but statistically significant difference, according to Pew.

"We are not sure if this is a trend or an aberration," said Bill Esbeck, executive director of the Wisconsin State Telecommunications Association, which represents telecom providers.

The downtick has taken place at the same time as there's been an increase in "smartphone only" adults — those who have a smartphone for accessing the Internet and don't have traditional broadband service at home, Pew said.

Thirteen percent of Americans are now in the smartphone only category, up from 8% in 2013. Some of the most significant changes have taken place among African-Americans, those with relatively low household incomes and people living in rural areas, according to Pew.

There's also more competition now between wired and wireless Internet providers, with some wireless firms marketing products as a substitute for a wired connection.

"We are watching these trends very closely. ... But I think the user experience of a wired option at home is still superior," Esbeck said.

Barry Orton, a recently retired University of Wisconsin-Madison telecommunications professor, said he's not convinced that demand for home broadband service has fallen much.

"The one thing I can say for sure (from the Pew research) is that dial-up Internet service is disappearing. There's almost no more dial-up, which I don't think is a surprise but, historically, is interesting," Orton said.

Overall, 33% of American adults do not have broadband at home, according to Pew.

Within this group of non-adopters, 36% had a subscription in the past, while 59% say they have never had a broadband subscription plan at home.

In addition, just 25% of non-adopters are interested in subscribing to broadband service in the future, while 70% say they're not interested, the Pew report says.

For some people, a wired Internet connection isn't available even if they want it, and a smartphone connection isn't very good either.

That's the case for Paul Ohlrogge, who lives 20 miles west of Madison in a rural area that has weak wireless phone signals and few Internet options.

"I live in a dead zone for cellphone reception. And while there are good Internet connections in Dodgeville, a couple of miles out of town there are people still on dial-up," he said.

Ohlrogge does economic development work at the University of Wisconsin Extension in Dodgeville. Without adequate broadband, he said, rural areas can't attract businesses and encourage company start-ups.

"If people find that Internet service is spotty, they won't even consider starting a business," he said.

Six years ago, Ohlrogge was in Rwanda working on a dairy cow artificial insemination project in remote areas of the mountainous country.

In the "middle of nowhere," he said, a woman used a smartphone to sell beans in a marketplace.

"I couldn't do that at my house," he said.

As more people use a smartphone as their only Internet-access device, they encounter challenges including data caps in their service plans, according to Pew.
"They also more frequently have to cancel or suspend service due to financial constraints," the research noted.

As smartphone traffic increases, the industry needs to increase its network capacity, said Jeff Roznowski, past president of the Wisconsin Wireless Association.
That, he said, would help relieve data caps.

The Pew report also says 15% of Americans have become "cord cutters," meaning they have abandoned paid cable or satellite television service. Many of these people say the availability of televised content from the Internet is a factor in dropping subscription television service, according to Pew.

Internet providers are taking market share from cable companies that have been in the marketplace for a long time, said Andrew Petersen, vice president of TDS Telecom in Madison.
TDS is one of the largest broadband providers in rural Wisconsin. Petersen said the company is pursuing "skinny 
bundles" of television channel offerings that have fewer choices and lower prices.

"Certainly our customers would like to see a more tailored package of channels where they can pick and choose," Petersen said.

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