Sunday 1 November 2015

Techradar launches its November How-To Challenge

techradar launches its November How-To Challenge

November is here and as the temperature drops and the nights grow longer it's the perfect time to give the technology in your life an overhaul, which is why techradar has launched its November How-To Challenge month.

Throughout November we'll be showing you how you can improve your tech, giving you expert advice as well as tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your gadgets.

Each week has a different theme, with the first week concentrating on improving your computers. We'll show you how to make your PC run faster, how to improve Windows 10 and a whole lot more.

In the second week we'll move on to looking at how you can improve your smartphone – including essential tips on how to give its battery life a boost.

Week three will concentrate on technology that can revolutionise our lifestyles. We'll show you how to get fit using gadgets, as well as turning your home into a high tech wonderland.

The final week of the November How-To Challenge will focus on brushing up your photography skills. We'll have advice from professional photographers that will help make your shots look better than ever before.

Get competitive

Each week we'll be encouraging readers to show us proof of how the guides are helping improve your tech and we'll also be picking one overall winner for the whole month who smashed all of our challenges.

They'll get a special techradar prize that isn't normally available to the public, and you can also share your own tips and tricks which we'll put together in a special "best of" article at the end of the month.

So if you want to improve every area of your tech in just one month, make sure you log on to Facebook and subscribe to our November How-To Challenge event.

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